Jumat, 23 Maret 2012

Hak-Hak Anak Menurut UNESCO Berdasarkan Pihak yang Wajib Melindungi

1.      Children have the right to protection from work that threatens their health, education or development
2.      Children have the right to protection in times of war
3.      Children have the right to protection from landmines
4.      Children have the right to a drug free world
5.      Children have the right to protection from guns
6.      Refugee children have the right to protection
7.      Every child has the right to a life free from discrimination
8.      Children in conflict with the law have the right to be treated with dignity
9.      Children have the right to adequate health services
10.  Every child has the right to a name and nationality
11.  Every child has the right to access education
12.  Children have the right to culturally sensitive education
13.  Protect children from labour which interferes with their education 

14.  Children have the right to attention from both parents
15.  Children have the right to a loving and caring family
16.  Every child has the right to a family
17.  Every child has the right to an identity
18.  Every child has the right to food and nutrition
19.  Children have the right to play
20.  Children have the right to appropriate information
21.  Children have the right to express themselves and express their opinions
22.  Children have the right to freedom of thought
23.  Children have the right to a home
24.  Children have the right to privacy
25.  Children have the right to special care and assistance 

26.  Children have the right to protection from trafficking and abduction
27.  Children have the right to know and live their own culture
28.  Children have the right to enjoy their own culture
29.  Children have the right to protection from neglect
30.  Children have the right to protection from sexual abuse.
31.  Children have the right to survive and develop to the fullest
32.  Children have the right to meet and share views with others
33.  Children have the right to a healthy environment
34.  Children have the right to protection from hazardous work
35.  Every child has the right to freedom of conscience
36.  Every child has the right not to be exploited
37.  Children have the right to knowledge on the natural environment
38.  Children have the right to develop to their full potential
39.  Children have the right to protection from abuse
40.  Exercising the right to protection, breaks the cycle of abuse
41.  All children have the right to participate
42.  Children have the right to survive
43.  Rights should be applied in the best interests of the child
44.  All rights to a childhood need protection  


1.      Children have the right to survive.
2.      Children have the right to survive and develop to the fullest
3.      Children have the right to develop to their full potential
4.      Every child has the right to food and nutrition
5.      Children have the right to play
6.      Children have the right to privacy
7.      Children have the right to special care and assistance
8.      Children have the right to meet and share views with others
9.      All rights to a childhood need protection
10.  Rights should be applied in the best interests of the child 

11.  Children have the right to attention from both parents
12.  Children have the right to a loving and caring family
13.  Every child has the right to a family
14.  Children have the right to a home

15.  Children have the right to protection from work that threatens their health, education or development
16.  Children have the right to protection in times of war
17.  Every child has the right to a life free from discrimination
18.  Children have the right to protection from landmines
19.  Children have the right to a drug free world
20.  Children have the right to protection from guns
21.  Refugee children have the right to protection
22.  Children in conflict with the law have the right to be treated with dignity
23.  Children have the right to adequate health services
24.  Every child has the right to a name and nationality
25.  Every child has the right to access education
26.  Children have the right to culturally sensitive education
27.  Protect children from labour which interferes with their education
28.  Every child has the right to an identity
29.  Children have the right to express themselves and express their opinions
30.  Children have the right to freedom of thought
31.  Children have the right to protection from trafficking and abduction
32.  Children have the right to appropriate information
33.  Children have the right to know and live their own culture
34.  Children have the right to enjoy their own culture
35.  Children have the right to protection from neglect
36.  Children have the right to protection from sexual abuse.
37.  Children have the right to a healthy environment
38.  Children have the right to protection from hazardous work
39.  Every child has the right to freedom of conscience
40.  Every child has the right not to be exploited
41.  Children have the right to knowledge on the natural environment
42.  Children have the right to protection from abuse
43.  Exercising the right to protection, breaks the cycle of abuse
44.  All children have the right to participate 


1.      Children have the right to survive.
2.      Children have the right to protection from work that threatens their health, education or development
3.      Every child has the right to food and nutrition
4.      Children have the right to special care and assistance
5.      Children have the right to protection from trafficking and abduction
6.      Children have the right to protection from neglect
7.      Children have the right to protection from sexual abuse.
8.      Every child has the right not to be exploited
9.      Children have the right to protection from abuse 

10.  Children have the right to play
11.  Children have the right to privacy
12.  Children have the right to attention from both parents
13.  Children have the right to a loving and caring family
14.  Every child has the right to a family
15.  Children have the right to a home
16.  Every child has the right to a life free from discrimination
17.  Children have the right to adequate health services
18.  Every child has the right to access education
19.  Children have the right to culturally sensitive education
20.  Protect children from labour which interferes with their education
21.  Children have the right to express themselves and express their opinions
22.  Children have the right to freedom of thought

23.  Children have the right to survive and develop to the fullest
24.  Children have the right to develop to their full potential
25.  Children have the right to protection in times of war
26.  Children have the right to protection from landmines
27.  Children have the right to a drug free world
28.  Children have the right to protection from guns
29.  Refugee children have the right to protection
30.  Children in conflict with the law have the right to be treated with dignity
31.  Every child has the right to a name and nationality
32.  Every child has the right to an identity
33.  Children have the right to appropriate information
34.  Children have the right to know and live their own culture
35.  Children have the right to enjoy their own culture
36.  Children have the right to a healthy environment
37.  Children have the right to protection from hazardous work
38.  Every child has the right to freedom of conscience
39.  Children have the right to knowledge on the natural environment
40.  Exercising the right to protection, breaks the cycle of abuse
41.  All children have the right to participate
42.  Children have the right to meet and share views with others
43.  All rights to a childhood need protection
44.  Rights should be applied in the best interests of the child

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