Senin, 01 November 2010

Japanese Development Model

Japan is a superb example of successful country in almost all dimensions of development. It is interesting to scrutinize methods used in three dimensions of development in Japan, those are, economic, education, and gender / family. Those sectors / dimensions are interrelated each other, and basically, they contribute to the rapid economic growth in Japan, especially after the World War II. Although the discussion was mainly talking from the historical viewpoint, it was quite relevant with contemporary situations.

From the perspective of economy, the government launched “catch-up” policies both in macro and micro aspect. Deliberate strategy such as opening market, developing industry, balancing budget and issuance of national bond, and other short-run, medium-rum and long run policies, in turn, lead to the change of both comparative advantage and economic growth. To achieve such results, the role of economic plan and its clear purposes in each period, is very essential. Beside, the role of market or society such as working hard, saving some portions of income, and not spending money for imported products, is also significant support to fasten the catch-up process.

In education aspect, Japan can be categorized as one of country that has the oldest and the strongest educational culture. Before the modern era, Japan has had school systems such as hanko, terakoya, and private academy. While in 1872, Japan had established the first modern education system called gakusei. This tradition is to be continued until post-war period, and affects the economic progress positively. However, in recent conditions, there are serious problems such as school violence, student not attending school, bullying, class collapse, and lowering of academic ability. Such “educational crisis” need to be solved to maintain the economic outstanding in Japan.

Finally, from the gender and family (cultural) aspect, women can play role not only in supporting their husbands and children in household matters, but also in earning economic resources for their families. However, the role and position of a woman is exceedingly determined by the Japanese style of employment practices and the feminine movements. Stimulated by these factors, there is a great change of women’s role in modern Japan.

June 5th, 2002

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